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I was born on January 24th, 1976 in the town of Rouse, Republic of Bulgaria.
In 1995 graduated secondary education in my native town - Fine Arts class, SOU "Vuzrajdane".
In 2002 I graduated the National Academy of Fine Arts, Major Graphics, Magister degree.
I worked as a graphic designer for "Deja vu", PR & Advertising Agency, Sofia
2001, I lived and worked in Luebeck, Germany.
2002-2008 I was working as a teacher of Visual Arts in SOU "Atanas Dalchev" in
Sofia, Bulgaria.
Member of the Union of the bulgarian artists
• Charter from the “National traditional exhibition of artists – pedagogues in Veliko Turnovo, Bulgaria
– 2005”
• 2006 Prize from FINE ARTS INTERNATIONAL CONTEST 2006 "ANTONIO GUALDA – Composer”, Granada, Spain
• Artmajeur Silver Award 2008
- 2006, “Laterna Magica”, (Music in symbols – “To see and touch the Music”), Concert
complex “Bulgaria”, Sofia, Bulgaria.
- 2008, "Laterna Magica" in The European Cultural Center, Russe, Bulgaria
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